At BYKO Proyectos y Gestión SL, we have more than 20 years of experience in technical architecture, interior design and building project management. Since 1997, we have evolved into a multidisciplinary team that manages projects from the initial idea to delivery. We work with excellence, adapting to the needs of each client. Our approach is based on recovering the value of the technical architect as a pillar in construction, guaranteeing quality and confidence in each project we carry out.
Passivhaus is a construction standard that has been spreading throughout the world since its beginnings in Germany in 1991, for energy-efficient buildings, with high interior comfort and economically competitive compared to traditional construction.
The main objective of passive houses is to achieve high levels of interior comfort with very low energy consumption, thus contributing to significant savings in energy costs, which are increasing every day due to the continuous increases in energy prices.
The basic design criteria aim to and achieve the use of solar energy and natural light during the winter and at the same time prevent a high incidence of sunlight during the summer, which combined with the high technical and construction requirements to be applied, contribute to the high thermal absorption in winter and its lower use or even dissipation in summer.
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